Verification/Monitoring Mechanism: Accra Peace Agreement

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Verification/Monitoring Mechanism: Accra Peace Agreement


Verification/Monitoring Mechanism – 2003

The main mechanisms for the implementation of the peace agreement, including the Implementation Monitoring Committee (IMC), were all in place by October 2003. On 27 November 2003, three armed groups reportedly renewed their demand for more senior government posts. To deal with the situation, the IMC held its first meeting on 28 November, which was chaired jointly by the UNMIL and ECOWAS, and comprised of representatives from the African Union, the European Union and the International Contact Group. In the meeting, the committee condemned the armed groupsÕ attempt to make government positions a precondition for their participation in the DDRR program. The meeting also recommended taking appropriate measures against parties that continued to violate the Cease Fire agreement.[fn]”Secretary General’s Report to the Security Council,” United Nations (S/2003/1175), December 15, 2003.[/efn_note]

Verification/Monitoring Mechanism – 2004

In a joint press statement made in October 2004, the IMC issued a warning that the international community would not allow any disruption of the work of the NTGL.1

Following the completion of the disarmament, demobilization, and disbandment of the armed factions, the task of the IMC and Joint Monitoring Committee was completed.2

  1. “Secretary General’s Report to the Security Council,” United Nations (S/2004/972), December 17, 2004.
  2. Ibid.

Verification/Monitoring Mechanism – 2005

When the Liberian Supreme Court ruled that voters should be allowed to cast two votes for the two senatorial seats in each county, “the IMC asked and the International Contact Group on Liberia requested the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) mediator, General Abdulsalami Abubakar, to intervene to find a solution which would respect the rule of law while preserving the integrity of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement.” The mandate of the Supreme Court was implemented by reeducating the voters.1

  1. “Secretary General’s Report to the Security Council,” United Nations (S/2005/674), December 7, 2005.

Verification/Monitoring Mechanism – 2006

Most of the IMC and JMC goals were achieved when post-conflict elections were successfully held in October 2005.

Verification/Monitoring Mechanism – 2007

No further developments observed.

Verification/Monitoring Mechanism – 2008

No further developments observed.

Verification/Monitoring Mechanism – 2009

No further developments observed.

Verification/Monitoring Mechanism – 2010

No further developments observed.

Verification/Monitoring Mechanism – 2011

No further developments observed.

Verification/Monitoring Mechanism – 2012

No further developments observed.