Electoral/Political Party Reform: Luena Memorandum of Understanding

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Electoral/Political Party Reform: Luena Memorandum of Understanding


Electoral/Political Party Reform – 2002

The 2002 Luena Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) calls for continuing and completing the implementation of the 1994 Lusaka Protocol. The Lusaka Accord stipulated that UNITA be allowed to become a legitimate political party to compete in national multi-party elections. In 1998, three years following the Lusaka Accord, the Angolan government announced that UNITA was a fully legalized political party. UNITA would remain a legal political party, although multi-party elections would not be held for several years.1

  1. “Angola Peace Monitor,” Africa News 4, no. 7 (March 1998).

Electoral/Political Party Reform – 2003

UNITA remained a legal political party this year; multi-party elections would not be held.

Electoral/Political Party Reform – 2004

UNITA remained a legal political party this year; multi-party elections would not be held.

Electoral/Political Party Reform – 2005

UNITA remained a legal political party this year; multi-party elections would not be held.

Electoral/Political Party Reform – 2006

UNITA remained a legal political party this year; multi-party elections would not be held.

Electoral/Political Party Reform – 2007

UNITA remained a legal political party this year; multi-party elections would not be held.

Electoral/Political Party Reform – 2008

On 5 September 2008, Angola held national multi-party parliamentary elections for the first time in 16 years. The MPLA won over 80 percent of the seats, with UNITA coming in second with 10 percent.1

  1. “Angola to Hold First Election in 16 Years,” Deutsche Presse-Agentur, September 5, 2008.

Electoral/Political Party Reform – 2009

The stipulation that national elections be held and UNITA be allowed to compete was fulfilled in 2008.

Electoral/Political Party Reform – 2010

The stipulation that national elections be held and UNITA be allowed to compete was fulfilled in 2008.

Electoral/Political Party Reform – 2011

The stipulation that national elections be held and UNITA be allowed to compete was fulfilled in 2008.