Review of Agreement: Comprehensive Peace Agreement
Review of Agreement – 2006
Both sides periodically met and reviewed and revised the agreement. They also forged additional agreement to deal with the issues in the accord. The first revision/review took place on 30 November 2006 on dissolution of National Monitoring Committee on Code of Conduct on Ceasefire, which was established on 26 June 2006.
Review of Agreement – 2007
Both sides periodically met and reviewed and revised the agreement or specific deadline in the agreement. They also forged additional agreement to deal with the issues in the accord. For example, parties agreed to hold the Constituent Assembly election in 2008.
Review of Agreement – 2008
Both sides periodically met and reviewed and revised the agreement. In 2008, parties agreed for the Fifth Amendment of the interim constitution (adopted on 13 July 2008), which provided the basis for the formation of a majoritarian government.[fn]”Secretary General’s Report to the Security Council,” United Nations (S/2008/670), October 24, 2008.[/efn_note]
Review of Agreement – 2009
Periodic review of the agreement continued in 2009.
Review of Agreement – 2010
Periodic review of the agreement continued in 2010.
Review of Agreement – 2011
Periodic review of the agreement continued in 2011.
Review of Agreement – 2012
Periodic review of the agreement continued. Both sides periodically met and reviewed and revised the agreement. They also forged additional agreement to deal with the issues in the accord. Between 2006 and 2012, the Seven Political Parties and the Maoists (parties to CPA) and the government of Nepal and Maoist party, and the Maoist Party, Nepali Congress and the Communist Party of Nepal- United Marxists and Leninists formed at least eight formal agreements related to implementing provisions of the 2006 CPA, revision of CPA and interim constitution, and extension of the tenure of Constituent Assembly. As a matter of fact, parties reviewed and revised the CPA to fit their political objectives, which hindered the implementation of the CPA.
Review of Agreement – 2013
Periodic review of the agreement continued.
Review of Agreement – 2014
Periodic review of the agreement continued. Political parties periodically reviewed progress made and areas where they needed to work on resolving disputed issues. In this regard, they also created the Committee for Constitutional, Political Dialogue and Consensus Building (CCPDC) within the CA in order to find consensus on disputed issues.1
Review of Agreement – 2015
Periodic review of the agreement continues. Political parties were in agreement that federalism, form of government, the judiciary, and the electoral system were the main issues outlined in the 2006 CPA that needed to be resolved.