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Colombia Data Visualizations

Suggested Citation:

“Colombia Data Visualizations,” Peace Accords Matrix Barometer Initiative in Colombia, (access date).

Description of Data Visualizations

Tab 1 – Status of Implementation

This tab shows the status of implementation as of the last published data available. The information is based on the project’s methodology to monitor the implementation of 578 stipulations, which are defined as concrete, observable, and measurable commitments found in the accord. These stipulations were subdivided into 18 themes and 70 sub-themes, and grouped within the six points included in the agreement. The table shows data broken down into themes and subthemes, with stipulation level data coming with the future publication of a peer-reviewed and published data article.

Tab 2 – Transversal Approaches

This tab shows the levels of implementation for the gender and ethnic transversal approaches in comparison to general implementation. Further analysis can be found in the project’s reports.

Tab 3 – Implementation by Point

This chart shows implementation progress disaggregated by the six points of the accord. Further analysis by point can be found in the project’s quarterly reports.

Tab 4 – PMI Analysis

This graph shows the number of stipulations in the Colombian Accord that should be completed each year, according to the Framework Plan for Implementation (PMI). The completion dates range from 2017 to 2031, and the state of implementation is up through August 2021, according to the Barometer Initiative. The graphic also divides these commitments into 3 periods: short-term (2017-2019), mid-term (2020-2022), and long-term (2023-2031). The first period (2017-2019) contains commitments that by now should have been completed, according to the PMI. As the graphic shows, however, some commitments are not yet completed. These represent lags that affect implementation of the Accord overall. The second period (2020-2022) is comprised of commitments that should be completed by the current presidential administration. The graphic indicates that critical commitments are still pending and may be prioritized in order to bolster implementation of the Accord. The third period (2023-2031) contains long-term commitments that should be completed over three consecutive administrations. These commitments are designed to transform the structural causes that fueled the armed conflict for so long. Given their complexity, these commitments should be initiated in prior periods in order to assure they are completed on time. Further analysis on the PMI can be found in the project’s annual comprehensive reports and quarterly reports.