Sudan Comprehensive Peace Agreement

Date Signed: 9 January, 2005

Accord Type: Comprehensive Peace Agreement

Country: Sudan

72.87Implementation Score after 7 years

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Provisions in this Accord

Cease Fire

Powersharing Transitional Government

Executive Branch Reform

Legislative Branch Reform

Constitutional Reform

Inter-ethnic/State Relations

Boundary Demarcation

Electoral/Political Party Reform

Territorial Powersharing


Civil Administration Reform

Truth or Reconciliation Mechanism

Dispute Resolution Committee

Judiciary Reform

Military Reform

Police Reform




Prisoner Release

Paramilitary Groups

Human Rights


Internally Displaced Persons

Right of Self-Determination

Women's Rights

Children's Rights

Education Reform

Official Language and Symbol

Cultural Protections

Media Reform

Minority Rights

Economic and Social Development

Ratification Mechanism

Donor Support

Detailed Implementation Timeline

Natural Resource Management

Independence Referendum

Arms Embargo

Review of Agreement

Verification/Monitoring Mechanism

UN Peacekeeping Force

Withdrawal of Troops

Please always cite: “Annualized implementation data on comprehensive intrastate peace accords, 1989–2012.” Madhav Joshi, Jason Michael Quinn, and Patrick M. Regan. Journal of Peace Research 52 (2015): 551-562.