Independence Referendum: Bougainville Peace Agreement

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Independence Referendum: Bougainville Peace Agreement


Independence Referendum – 2001

A referendum on independence is to be included in the Bougainville constitution, which is not yet written.

Independence Referendum – 2002

On January 22, 2002, the PNG Parliament voted to grant autonomy and the right to a referendum on total independence for the rebellious province of Bougainville. According to the bill passed in the Parliament, “in 10 to 15 years, the secessionist province also has the option to vote for total independence from Papua New Guinea, or continued inclusion with the South Pacific nation.”1 This can be interpreted as a step closer to the independence referendum.

  1. “Papua New Guinea to Grant Autonomy,” Associated Press Online, January 23, 2002.

Independence Referendum – 2003

On July 30, 2003, UNOMB verified and certified that the weapons disposal plan had reached stage two after more than 1,800 weapons were collected. This development means that a conditional referendum for Bougainville’s political future in 10 to 15 years after the establishment of the autonomous government was now operational as well.1

  1. “Papua New Guinea: UN sets stage for Bougainville autonomy,” BBC Summary of World Broadcasts, July 30, 2003.

Independence Referendum – 2004

On 14 January 2004, the National Government handed over the Constitution to the Autonomous Bougainville Government in Arawa.1 The new Autonomous Bougainville constitution has specific provision on an independence referendum under Part 17 of the constitution. In order for the referendum to take place, the weapons disposal process must have been completed, and “internationally accepted standards of governance” must be achieved, as specified in the Bougainville Peace Agreement.2

  1. “Papua New Guinea government hands over Bougainville constitution,” BBC Monitoring Asia Pacific, January 17, 2005.
  2. Ibid.

Independence Referendum – 2005

The first elections for the Autonomous Region of Bougainville were held from May 20 to June 2, 2005.1 Following the formation of the Autonomous Bougainville Government in 2005, the referendum is tentatively agreed to be held sometime between 2015 to 2020.

  1. “Yearbook of the United Nations 2005: Sixtieth Anniversary Edition – Towards Development, Security and Human Rights for All,” United Nations, 2005, p. 454.

Independence Referendum – 2006

Following the formation of the Autonomous Bougainville Government in 2005, the referendum is tentatively agreed to be held sometime between 2015 to 2020.

Independence Referendum – 2007

No further developments observed.

Independence Referendum – 2008

No further developments observed.

Independence Referendum – 2009

No further developments observed.

Independence Referendum – 2010

No further developments observed.